Chokri Khalifa

Lead Full Stack Developer / DevOps / Architect

Chokri Khalifa
Lead Full Stack Developer / DevOps / Architect

Hello! My name is Chokri Khalifa

I’m a passionate tech enthusiast, a geek at heart, a musician, and a creative thinker. I love taking ideas and turning them into real, working web applications. From start to finish, I’m involved in every step of the development process. I specialize in full-stack development and use cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, and Azure to build solutions that are strong and scalable. With a focus on DevOps practices, I make sure everything works well and runs smoothly. Whether I’m building apps or fixing tech issues, I’m always excited to turn ideas into reality.


Functional Skills

Technologies Table

Category Technologies
Cloud/DevOps CI/CD, AWS CDK, SAM, CloudFormation, EC2 / ELB / RDS, Secrets Manager, KMS, IAM / CloudTrail, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes (AKS), Helm, Debian, Ubuntu, Docker, Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, GitLab, Jenkins, Vagrant
Cloud Development AWS Lambda, API Gateway, SNS/SQS, S3, VPC, EC2, ECS, EKS, CloudFront, CloudWatch
Testing Tools Jest, Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Cypress, Cucumber, WebdriverIO, BrowserStack
Application Servers Nginx, Apache, Tomcat, Wildfly, JBoss
Web Development React, Python, Node.js, Express.js, NestJS, Socket.IO, Java Spring, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, Go, Rust, PHP, Drupal, Symfony, Composer, Xdebug, PHPUnit, CakePHP
DATA/SOA/DBMS MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, MongoDB, RethinkDB, Couchbase, SOAP, XML, JSON, GraphQL, Swagger
Methods & Tools Agile (Scrum, Shape Up), Jira, Confluence, Kanban, Git (GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab)
Messaging/Monitoring Datadog, AWS CloudWatch, ELK Stack, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ZMQ
Middleware AWS Cognito, Keycloak, WSO2